
EverNode uses modular design to build out APIs. How you use modules are entirely up to you. This means that after following the set folder and file names listed below, everything else is up to you. You can make one giant module for the whole API or many smaller modules ect…

However, our rule of thumb is a module should have one purpose.

Example: So if you have Users for your application, make a evernode_<app-name>/app/modules/users module. This module will handle User logins, signups, password resets, profiles and most things User Related.

Creating a Module

All modules for EverNode belong in the evernode_<app-name>/app/modules folder.

Basic Structure

Required folder and file names are as following:

        <ctrl-name>  # or ctrl for short
        <model-name>  # or mdl for short

Basic Routing

There are no standards for routing in EverNode. Just be smart about it. If a module is called users, name the routes users-<route> and the url will be /v1/users/<route>. If you follow this approach create a ‘core’/’root’ module to have all routes that start at /v1/<route>.

RESTful design, controllers should be used for singular objects(nouns). Each function/route will belong to different HTTP methods.

RESTful Example:

# modules/books/
from .controllers import BookController

routes = [
        'url': '/books/<book_id>',
        'name': 'book-get',
        'methods': ['GET'],
        'function': BookController.get}]
# -------------------------------------------------------
# modules/books/models/
from evernode.models import BaseModel

class BookModel(BaseModel):
""" Book DB Model """

    __tablename__ = 'books'

# -------------------------------------------------------
# modules/books/controllers/
from flask import current_app # noqa
from evernode.classes import JsonResponse
from ..models import BookModel

class BookController:
    """ RESTful example, BookController """

    def get(book_id):
        """ Get a book by id """
        return JsonResponse(200, None, BookModel.where_id(book_id))