
This section will cover the basics of EverNode language translations.

Language translations are key to support internationalization. EverNode makes translations easy with its built in Translator class.

Translator Class

The Translator class uses a an index from the Content-Language HTTP header. If Content-Language is not set the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE set in your config.json will be used. The Translator class defaults to parse language packs from the root resoucres/lang folder.

Translator Class
from evernode.classes import Translator

translator = Translator()

What are Language Packs?

Language Packs are files that end in .lang that contain valid json. These files can be parsed to translate certain messages from different languages.

Root Folder: Let’s create a file called hello-world.lang.

English Example(resources/lang/en):

    "message": "Hello World"

French Example(resources/lang/fr):

    "message": "Bonjour le monde"

Module Folder: Let’s create a file called hello-world.lang.

English Example(modules/<module-name>/resources/lang/en):

    "message": "Hello World"

French Example(modules/<module-name>/resources/lang/fr):

    "message": "Bonjour le monde"

You just created your first Language Pack. Now how do you use it? Simple.

How to use a Language Pack?

Root Folder: Init the Translator app:

from evernode.classes import Translator

translator = Translator()


# Content-language: en
output: 'Hello World'

# Content-language: fr
output: 'Bonjour le monde'

Module Folder: Init the Translator app:

from evernode.classes import Translator

translator = Translator(module_name='<module-name>')


# Content-language: en
output: 'Hello World'

# Content-language: fr
output: 'Bonjour le monde'

What Language is Used?

EverNode will choose the index set in Content-Language. If the Content-Language(HTTP header) is fr, lang/fr is used. If Content-Language is not set, your DEFAULT_LANGUAGE index is used. EverNode’s default config uses en, lang/en will be used. Content-Language should use an ISO 639-1 code but can be anything.